Phenomenology refers to the philosophical study that studies any phenomenon scientifically and deeply. In short, it is a scientific and deep study of any phenomenon.
Phenomenology refers to the philosophical study that studies any phenomenon scientifically and deeply. In short, it is a scientific and deep study of any phenomenon.
Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that aims to explore and understand individuals' lived experiences concerning a particular phenomenon. It involves examining how people make sense of the world and the meanings they attribute to their experiences. This method describes and interprets these lived experiences without imposing preconceived theories or assumptions.
In phenomenological research, the primary goal is to understand the essence of an experience as it is lived by individuals. Researchers employing phenomenology aim to uncover the underlying structures and essential characteristics of these experiences.
For Example: Understanding the Experience of Grief
Let's consider a study on the lived experience of grief following the loss of a loved one. The researcher employing phenomenology would conduct in-depth interviews with individuals who have recently experienced such a loss.
The researcher would not guide the participants with predefined questions or theories but would encourage them to freely describe their experiences of grief. Through these interviews, the focus would be on understanding the essence of their lived experiences—how they perceive, feel, and make sense of the grieving process.
The analysis would involve identifying common themes, patterns, and essential elements shared by participants. This might include emotions such as sadness, anger, or confusion, as well as cognitive processes, rituals, and social interactions related to their grief experience.
By exploring these experiences without imposing external theories or assumptions, the phenomenological researcher aims to create a rich and detailed description of the essence of grief as lived by individuals. The resulting insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and the subjective aspects of human experiences.
Phenomenology emphasizes the importance of bracketing or setting aside preconceived notions to focus solely on participants' descriptions and perspectives. This method allows researchers to uncover the deeper meanings and structures inherent in individuals' experiences, contributing to a more profound understanding of the phenomenon under investigation.
Professor (Dr.) P. M. Mxlek
***Next Terminologies used in Qualitative Research Design: 3. Phenomenological Paradigm
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